Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order



Basic Male Hormone Panel

A Basic Male Hormone Panel is a blood test that measures levels of key hormones impacting men's health. It includes tests for testosterone, LH, FSH, and estradiol. Testosterone is crucial for male reproductive tissues, muscle mass, and bone density. Low levels can cause fatigue, low libido, and muscle loss. LH and FSH regulate testosterone production. High estradiol levels may indicate health issues. This panel is used to diagnose hypogonadism, infertility, and monitor hormone levels in treatments.

Hormone Testing


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$199.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Male Hormone Panel

A comprehensive male hormone panel is a blood test that measures various hormones crucial for male health. It includes testosterone, estradiol, FSH, LH, DHEA-S, and SHBG. Testosterone influences libido, muscle mass, and mood; estradiol impacts libido and bone health; FSH and LH regulate sperm and testosterone production; DHEA-S affects energy and libido; SHBG binds to sex hormones in the blood. This panel can detect hormone imbalances and diagnose conditions like hypogonadism, infertility, and hormonal disorders. It guides personalized treatment plans for optimal well-being.

Hormone Testing


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$799.00Visit Lab

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Test

The FSH test is a blood test that measures levels of the hormone FSH, produced by the pituitary gland for regulating the reproductive system in men and women. This test diagnoses and monitors conditions like infertility, PCOS, and menopause, and can assess hormone levels in children entering puberty. It's usually part of a series with LH and estradiol tests, interpreted alongside physical exams to identify underlying hormone abnormalities. Consult a healthcare provider for understanding FSH test results and discussing treatment options.

Sports Testing


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$49.00Visit Lab

FSH Test (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

The FSH test measures levels of follicle-stimulating hormone, crucial for regulating the menstrual cycle and egg/sperm development. The LH test measures luteinizing hormone, collaborating with FSH to regulate cycles and aid ovulation/testosterone production. These tests are used for fertility evaluation and diagnosing conditions like PCOS, infertility, and hormonal imbalances. Your healthcare provider may suggest these tests for irregular cycles or symptoms suggesting hormonal issues.

Sports Testing


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$59.00Visit Lab

FSH Test (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) & Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

The FSH test measures follicle-stimulating hormone levels in the blood, important for egg/sperm development. Abnormal levels indicate fertility, menopause, or hormonal issues. The LH test measures luteinizing hormone levels, vital for menstrual cycle regulation and testosterone production. Abnormal levels signal fertility, menstrual cycle problems, or hormonal imbalances. Both tests evaluate fertility, infertility causes, and treatment effectiveness. They may be part of a broader hormonal health assessment.

Hormone Testing


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$59.00Visit Lab

LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test

The LH test measures luteinizing hormone levels, produced by the pituitary gland to regulate the menstrual cycle and reproductive system. In women, LH helps ovulation and abnormal levels can signal issues like PCOS or infertility. In men, LH stimulates testosterone production and abnormal levels may indicate conditions like low testosterone or infertility. The test is combined with other hormone tests to diagnose reproductive system conditions, infertility causes, or monitor hormone therapy.

Hormone Testing


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$49.00Visit Lab

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Test

The SHBG test measures the level of a protein that binds to sex hormones in the bloodstream, regulating their availability. Abnormal SHBG levels can indicate hormonal imbalances, PCOS, or hypothyroidism. The test is used by healthcare providers to diagnose and monitor conditions related to sex hormones, particularly when investigating symptoms like infertility or irregular menstrual cycles. Interpreting SHBG levels should be done in conjunction with other hormone tests and clinical evaluation.

Hormone Testing


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$69.00Visit Lab

Standard Male Hormone Panel

The standard male hormone panel is a blood test that measures levels of key hormones affecting male reproductive health and wellbeing. It includes tests for testosterone, LH, FSH, and estradiol. Testosterone is crucial for male reproductive organs, muscle mass, and libido, with low levels leading to symptoms like fatigue and erectile dysfunction. LH and FSH regulate testosterone production, while abnormal levels can indicate hormonal imbalances affecting fertility and health. Estradiol is important for male reproductive health, and elevated levels can impact libido, cardiovascular health, and bone density. The panel helps diagnose conditions such as low testosterone, infertility, and hormonal imbalances, enabling monitoring and treatment. Healthcare providers may recommend this test for symptoms like fatigue, low libido, erectile dysfunction, and infertility to assess hormone levels and identify underlying imbalances.

Hormone Testing


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$299.00Visit Lab

Testosterone Test - Free and Total

Testosterone is a hormone primarily produced in the testicles in males and in smaller amounts in the ovaries in females. It plays a crucial role in the development of male reproductive tissues and secondary sexual characteristics. A testosterone test measures levels in the blood, helping diagnose conditions like deficiency or excess. There are two main types of tests: total testosterone, measuring overall levels, and free testosterone, measuring the unbound form. These tests can aid in assessing hormonal health and diagnosing conditions such as low testosterone levels and infertility.

Sports Testing


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$99.00Visit Lab

Testosterone Test - Total

A Total Testosterone Test measures the overall level of testosterone in the bloodstream. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in the development and maintenance of male characteristics, such as muscle mass, bone density, and libido. Low levels of testosterone can result in symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and decreased sex drive, while high levels can lead to aggression and mood swings. This test is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as hypogonadism, infertility, and certain types of cancer.

Testosterone Testing


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Testosterone Test - Total

A testosterone test measures testosterone levels in the blood to identify normal levels or potential deficiencies or excesses. The total testosterone test evaluates overall testosterone levels, which typically range from 300 to 1,000 ng/dL in adult males. Abnormal testosterone levels can impact mood, energy, muscle mass, and sexual function, presenting symptoms like fatigue, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. Consultation with a healthcare provider is crucial to develop a suitable treatment plan if abnormal testosterone levels are detected.

Sports Testing


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Testosterone Test - Total

A Total Testosterone Test measures the overall level of testosterone in the bloodstream. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a key role in the development and maintenance of male characteristics, such as muscle mass, bone density, and libido. Low levels of testosterone can result in symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and decreased sex drive, while high levels can lead to aggression and mood swings. This test is commonly used to diagnose conditions such as hypogonadism, infertility, and certain types of cancer.

Hormone Testing


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