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Infectious Disease Testing

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COVID-19 Antibody Test

A COVID-19 antibody test is a blood test that detects antibodies produced in response to the virus. These antibodies indicate past infection and can help identify prior exposure to COVID-19, even in asymptomatic cases. However, it's crucial to understand that antibody tests do not diagnose current infections.


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$119.00Visit Lab

Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test used to diagnose acute hepatitis A infection by detecting IgM antibodies to the virus. It is commonly ordered when symptoms like jaundice, fatigue, nausea, and abdominal pain are present. Presence of IgM antibodies could indicate recent infection or prior vaccination, requiring further testing. Treatment for hepatitis A is mainly supportive and cases typically resolve without long-term issues, but monitoring by a healthcare provider is essential.


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$24.00Visit Lab

Hepatitis A, B & C Panel

The Hepatitis A, B & C panel consists of blood tests to detect infections with these viruses. Hepatitis A is short-term and does not typically cause chronic liver disease, while hepatitis B and C can lead to severe complications if untreated. The panel includes tests for specific antibodies and antigens for each type of hepatitis. The results allow healthcare providers to determine if a person is immune, currently infected, or previously exposed to these viruses, guiding further testing and treatment recommendations.


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$72.00Visit Lab

Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM

The hepatitis B core antibody test, IgM, detects IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen, typically within 1-2 weeks of infection. It diagnoses acute or recent hepatitis B and monitors infection progression. A positive result indicates an active infection; however, additional tests, like the hepatitis B surface antigen test, are needed for confirmation. If concerned, consult a healthcare provider for testing and vaccination to prevent serious complications.


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$24.00Visit Lab

Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

The HBsAg test detects the Hepatitis B virus protein in blood to diagnose current infections, requiring follow-up for treatment decisions. Regular testing is advised for those at risk to monitor health.


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$24.00Visit Lab

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) antibody test is a blood test used to detect exposure to the Hepatitis C virus. A positive result indicates past exposure, but further testing is required to confirm current infection status. Not everyone exposed to HCV develops chronic infection, and early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent severe liver damage. Regular testing is recommended for at-risk individuals, like intravenous drug users and healthcare workers, to improve outcomes with available treatment options.


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$24.00Visit Lab

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA Test

The HCV RNA test is used to detect the hepatitis C virus in the blood by measuring viral RNA levels. It helps diagnose acute or chronic infections, monitor treatment effectiveness, and check for virus clearance post-treatment. Blood samples are analyzed in a lab, with results indicating viral RNA copies per milliliter of blood. Consulting a healthcare provider is crucial for developing a treatment plan for hepatitis C infection.


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$239.00Visit Lab

Herpes Type 1 & 2 Panel (HSV-1 / HSV-2)

The Herpes Type 1 & 2 Panel, also known as the HSV-1 / HSV-2 panel, is a test that detects antibodies for Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 in the blood. It is used to diagnose herpes, monitor treatment effectiveness, and assess the risk of transmitting the virus. While herpes cannot be cured, symptoms can be managed with antiviral medications. Individuals with herpes should practice safe sex and inform partners to prevent transmission. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect you have herpes or have been exposed to the virus.


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$79.00Visit Lab

Herpes Type 1 Test (HSV-1)

The HSV-1 test detects antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 1 which is responsible for oral herpes. The test helps confirm oral herpes diagnosis or past exposure. Results are typically available within a few days, showing past virus exposure if positive. Treatment may involve antiviral medication to manage symptoms and outbreaks. Consult a healthcare provider if oral herpes is suspected.


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$45.00Visit Lab

Herpes Type 2 Test (HSV-2)

The herpes type 2 test, also known as HSV-2 test checks for antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 2, which causes genital herpes commonly spread through sexual contact. It helps diagnose infections, even in individuals without symptoms but who are at risk. Results are typically available in a few days after a simple blood draw. The test may not distinguish between current and past infections, as the virus can remain dormant in the body. Consulting a healthcare provider is recommended for further evaluation and testing, with treatment options available to manage symptoms and reduce transmission risk to others.


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$45.00Visit Lab

HIV 4th Generation Duo Antigen/Antibody Test

The HIV 4th Generation Duo Antigen/Antibody Test is a highly accurate blood test that detects HIV antibodies and the p24 antigen, providing early detection of HIV infection. It is recommended for those recently exposed to HIV and is conducted in healthcare settings, with results available within days. Positive results require confirmatory testing and follow-up care from a healthcare provider.


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$49.00Visit Lab


The HIV RNA test, also known as the HIV viral load test, measures the amount of HIV RNA in the blood to determine the level of HIV in the body and assess the effectiveness of treatment. It is often used in conjunction with other HIV tests to provide an overall view of the infection status. Results are reported as copies of HIV RNA per milliliter of blood, with a lower viral load indicating effective treatment and a higher load possibly requiring adjustments.


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$129.00Visit Lab

HTLV-I/II Antibody, with Reflex to Confirmatory Assay

The HTLV-I/II antibody test detects antibodies to the human T-cell lymphotropic viruses, known to cause diseases like adult T-cell leukemia and HTLV-associated myelopathy. A positive result requires a confirmatory assay like PCR or Western blot analysis. Consult a healthcare provider for further testing and treatment planning.


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$240.00Visit Lab

Lyme Disease Antibodies Test

The Lyme disease antibodies test, or serology test, detects Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in the blood. It's ordered for those with suspected tick exposure, manifesting symptoms like fever, fatigue, joint pain, and erythema migrans. The test looks for IgM (early infection) and IgG (later infection) antibodies. False results are possible. A positive test may prompt further confirmation testing. Treatment involves antibiotics, with early detection crucial to prevent complications. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect Lyme disease exposure.


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$159.00Visit Lab

Lymphocyte Subset Panel

A lymphocyte subset panel is a blood test that measures different types of lymphocytes which are white blood cells important for immune response. It includes T cells, B cells, and Natural Killer cells. This test can diagnose immune deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, and monitor responses to treatments for conditions like HIV/AIDS and leukemia. Results show percentages or absolute numbers of each lymphocyte subset, highlighting any potential health issues that need further evaluation and treatment.


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$188.00Visit Lab

Mono Test (Mononucleosis)

The mono test, also known as the mononucleosis test, is used to diagnose infectious mononucleosis caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Symptoms include fatigue, sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and enlarged spleen. While the test is not always needed for diagnosis, it detects antibodies produced in response to the virus. Treatment involves rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain relievers.


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$49.00Visit Lab

Rubella Antibodies Test (IgG & IgM)

The rubella antibodies test detects IgG and IgM antibodies in response to the rubella virus. IgG indicates immunity from previous infection or vaccination, while IgM suggests a recent infection. The test is vital for pregnant women to prevent complications for the fetus.


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$69.00Visit Lab

Tuberculosis (TB) Gold Blood Test

The Tuberculosis Gold Blood Test, also known as IGRA, is a blood test that detects Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the body, aiding in the diagnosis of TB infections. It is more specific than the tuberculin skin test and measures the immune response by detecting interferon-gamma release. Recommended for high-risk individuals, the test helps in appropriate treatment and management of TB infections.


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$199.00Visit Lab

Viral STD Panel

A viral STD panel consists of tests for common sexually transmitted infections caused by viruses like HIV, herpes, hepatitis B, and C. It is advised for sexually active individuals at risk. Early detection and treatment are crucial as these infections can have severe long-term health effects if untreated.


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$109.00Visit Lab

Zika Virus Test

The Zika virus test is a diagnostic tool used to identify the presence of the Zika virus in an individual's system. The test commonly utilized for this purpose includes both polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological tests. PCR tests detect the virus's genetic material in blood or urine samples, while serological tests identify antibodies produced by the immune system in response to the Zika virus. Testing for the Zika virus is recommended for those displaying symptoms, individuals who have visited areas with ongoing transmission, or those who have had contact with infected individuals. Early detection and diagnosis are crucial for proper treatment and prevention of further transmission.


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$715.00Visit Lab