Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order


All Tests Starting with H


H. Pylori Testing

H. pylori testing is used to diagnose an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can cause peptic ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer. Tests include blood, stool, breath, and biopsy tests to detect the presence of H. pylori. Positive results can guide treatment with antibiotics and acid-reducing medications. Consulting a healthcare provider is important if experiencing stomach ulcer or gastritis symptoms to determine the need for H. pylori testing.

Gastrointestinal Health Tests


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Hackberry Tree Allergy Test

Hackberry Tree allergy tests are conducted to determine if someone is allergic to Hackberry Tree pollen. These tests are usually administered by allergists through methods like skin prick tests or blood tests. Allergic reactions to Hackberry Tree pollen can lead to symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes, coughing, or worsened asthma.

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Halibut Allergy Test

A Halibut Allergy Test is a medical examination conducted to ascertain whether an individual is allergic to halibut fish. The test could include skin prick testing, blood evaluation for specific IgE antibodies, or an oral food challenge in a controlled medical setting. It is advised that individuals with confirmed or suspected halibut allergies undergo testing to prevent allergic reactions.

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Helminthosporium Halodes Allergy Test

The Helminthosporium Halodes Allergy Test detects allergies to the fungus by exposing blood or skin samples to the allergen. Symptoms of Helminthosporium Halodes allergies include sneezing, coughing, wheezing, and skin rashes.

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Hemoglobin A1c Test (HbA1c)

The Hemoglobin A1c test measures average blood sugar levels over 2-3 months and is used to monitor and manage diabetes. It reflects long-term blood sugar control, unaffected by short-term fluctuations. Results are reported as a percentage, with higher values indicating poorer blood sugar control. The test helps diagnose diabetes, monitor treatment effectiveness, and assess the risk of complications. Regular Hemoglobin A1c tests are recommended for individuals with diabetes to adjust treatment plans and maintain optimal blood sugar levels, with target levels varying based on individual factors and diabetes type.

Diabetes Testing


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Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test used to diagnose acute hepatitis A infection by detecting IgM antibodies to the virus. It is commonly ordered when symptoms like jaundice, fatigue, nausea, and abdominal pain are present. Presence of IgM antibodies could indicate recent infection or prior vaccination, requiring further testing. Treatment for hepatitis A is mainly supportive and cases typically resolve without long-term issues, but monitoring by a healthcare provider is essential.

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Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis A Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test that detects the presence of IgM antibodies specific to the Hepatitis A virus. IgM antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to a recent infection, so a positive result indicates a current or recent Hepatitis A infection. This test is typically used to diagnose acute Hepatitis A infection or to confirm a suspected case of Hepatitis A.

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Hepatitis A Immunity Testing

Hepatitis A immunity testing is a blood test used to check if antibodies are present against the hepatitis A virus, indicating prior infection or vaccination. It is advisable for individuals at risk of hepatitis A exposure, like healthcare workers, travelers to affected regions, or those with liver issues. This testing helps in making vaccination and preventive care decisions for hepatitis A protection.

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Hepatitis A Immunity Testing

Hepatitis A immunity testing, also known as hepatitis A antibody testing, is a blood test that detects antibodies to the hepatitis A virus, indicating past exposure or vaccination. It is recommended for at-risk individuals like healthcare workers and travelers. The test involves a blood sample and results are typically available within days. Depending on the results, vaccination may be advised.

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Hepatitis A Test

The page discusses the highly contagious liver infection hepatitis A caused by the hepatitis A virus, which is typically transmitted through contaminated food or water, or close contact with an infected person. Symptoms of hepatitis A include fatigue, nausea, abdominal pain, fever, and jaundice. Testing for hepatitis A involves a blood test to check for antibodies that determine infection and immunity. It is advised to seek testing if exposure or symptoms are suspected, with results usually available within days. Early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent complications and the spread of infection to others, so consulting a healthcare provider for guidance and testing is recommended. All Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis A, B & C Panel

Hepatitis A, B, and C panel consists of blood tests used to detect and diagnose infections with these three hepatitis viruses that affect the liver. The panel includes tests for antibodies and antigens related to each virus, helping healthcare providers diagnose and manage patients with hepatitis infections. Treatment for hepatitis A, B, and C infections may include antiviral medications, supportive care, and vaccination for prevention. Consulting a healthcare provider for proper evaluation and management of hepatitis infections is crucial.

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Hepatitis A, B & C Panel

The Hepatitis A, B & C panel consists of blood tests to detect infections with these viruses. Hepatitis A is short-term and does not typically cause chronic liver disease, while hepatitis B and C can lead to severe complications if untreated. The panel includes tests for specific antibodies and antigens for each type of hepatitis. The results allow healthcare providers to determine if a person is immune, currently infected, or previously exposed to these viruses, guiding further testing and treatment recommendations.

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Hepatitis A, B, & C Antibodies Confirmation Panel

The hepatitis A, B, and C antibodies confirmation panel is a blood test used to detect antibodies to these viruses in the body. It can determine past infections or vaccinations. The test helps diagnose and manage hepatitis and assess the need for vaccination. Consult a healthcare provider for concerns or risks of hepatitis infection.

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Hepatitis A, B, & C Antibodies Confirmation Panel

The Hepatitis A, B, & C Antibodies Confirmation Panel is a blood test designed to identify antibodies against the hepatitis A, B, and C viruses, revealing past exposure and aiding in determining immunity or active infection. Healthcare providers commonly order this panel to diagnose and oversee cases of hepatitis infections.

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Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM

The Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM is a blood test that detects IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen, indicating recent or ongoing infection with the hepatitis B virus. While a positive result suggests acute hepatitis B infection, further testing like the Hepatitis B Surface Antigen test is required for a complete diagnosis and treatment plan.

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Hepatitis B Core Antibody Test, IgM

The hepatitis B core antibody test, IgM, detects IgM antibodies to the hepatitis B core antigen, typically within 1-2 weeks of infection. It diagnoses acute or recent hepatitis B and monitors infection progression. A positive result indicates an active infection; however, additional tests, like the hepatitis B surface antigen test, are needed for confirmation. If concerned, consult a healthcare provider for testing and vaccination to prevent serious complications.

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Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test

A Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test is a blood test that checks for antibodies to the hepatitis B virus, to determine if a person is immune due to infection or vaccination. It helps healthcare providers assess the risk of hepatitis B and decide on vaccination needs.

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Hepatitis B Immunity Status Test

The hepatitis B immunity status test, also known as the hepatitis B surface antibody test, measures antibody levels in the blood to determine immunity to the virus. The test helps healthcare providers assess the need for vaccination and further treatment for those at risk for hepatitis B. Results showing sufficient antibody levels indicate immunity, while lower levels may require additional testing or vaccination.

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Hepatitis B Surface Antibody, Quantitative

The hepatitis B surface antibody test measures antibodies in response to the virus, providing immunity. A quantitative test determines antibody concentration, important for protection against infection. High anti-HBs levels indicate immunity from vaccination or previous infection. Used to assess immunity in vaccinated individuals and determine need for booster doses. Results reported in IU/L and interpretation may vary.

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Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

The HBsAg test detects the Hepatitis B virus protein in blood to diagnose current infections, requiring follow-up for treatment decisions. Regular testing is advised for those at risk to monitor health.

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Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test

The HBsAg test is a blood test used to detect hepatitis B virus. It is part of routine blood work, helps monitor chronic infections, and identifies carriers. A positive result shows current infection, prompting further tests to determine severity and treatment. Consult a healthcare provider for result interpretation and treatment to prevent liver damage and complications like cirrhosis and cancer.

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Hepatitis B Test

The text discusses hepatitis B, a viral infection that affects the liver, transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, and can lead to serious complications if untreated. Testing involves a blood test to detect the virus using specific proteins and antibodies. It is recommended that individuals at high risk, like healthcare workers or those with multiple sexual partners, get tested regularly. Pregnant women should also be tested to prevent transmission to their babies. Treatment includes antiviral medications. Early detection through testing is crucial to prevent spread and avoid long-term liver damage. Other Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis C Test

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that can lead to liver damage, and many infected individuals are unaware due to the lack of symptoms. Testing involves a blood test for antibodies, with further confirmation through a PCR test if necessary. High-risk individuals should undergo regular testing, including those with specific medical histories. Early detection is key for timely treatment, as new medications can cure the infection in a short period. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect you may be at risk for hepatitis C to prevent long-term liver damage and improve your health. All Hepatitis Testing

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) antibody test is a blood test used to detect exposure to the Hepatitis C virus. A positive result indicates past exposure, but further testing is required to confirm current infection status. Not everyone exposed to HCV develops chronic infection, and early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent severe liver damage. Regular testing is recommended for at-risk individuals, like intravenous drug users and healthcare workers, to improve outcomes with available treatment options.

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The HCV antibody test detects antibodies in response to the Hepatitis C virus. A positive result indicates past exposure. Further tests may be needed to confirm active infection. Untreated chronic Hepatitis C can lead to liver damage and cancer. Those at risk should get tested regularly for early detection and prevention of complications.

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test

The Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Antibody Test is used to detect antibodies to HCV in the bloodstream. A positive result indicates past infection, while a negative result suggests no antibodies present. Further testing may be needed to determine current infection status, including viral load and liver function tests. A positive result doesn't always mean active infection, so consultation with a healthcare provider is recommended for further evaluation.

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA Test

The HCV RNA test is used to detect the presence of hepatitis C virus in the blood by measuring the amount of viral RNA. It confirms infection, monitors treatment effectiveness, and checks for recurrence. Results indicate viral load, guiding treatment decisions. A healthcare provider should interpret results for discussing potential treatment options post-test.

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Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) RNA Test

The HCV RNA test is used to detect the hepatitis C virus in the blood by measuring viral RNA levels. It helps diagnose acute or chronic infections, monitor treatment effectiveness, and check for virus clearance post-treatment. Blood samples are analyzed in a lab, with results indicating viral RNA copies per milliliter of blood. Consulting a healthcare provider is crucial for developing a treatment plan for hepatitis C infection.

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Herpes Type 1 & 2 Panel (HSV-1 / HSV-2)

The Herpes Type 1 & 2 Panel, also known as the HSV-1 / HSV-2 panel, is a test that detects antibodies for Herpes Simplex Virus Types 1 and 2 in the blood. It is used to diagnose herpes, monitor treatment effectiveness, and assess the risk of transmitting the virus. While herpes cannot be cured, symptoms can be managed with antiviral medications. Individuals with herpes should practice safe sex and inform partners to prevent transmission. Consult a healthcare provider if you suspect you have herpes or have been exposed to the virus.

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Herpes Type 1 and Type 2 Testing

Testing for herpes simplex virus (HSV) type 1 and type 2 is available to diagnose infections caused by these viruses. This testing can determine whether an individual has been infected with either HSV-1 or HSV-2. It is important to get tested if there are symptoms of herpes or if there has been potential exposure. Testing can involve blood tests, swab tests of sores, or a combination of both. Treatment options are available for herpes infections, and early detection through testing is key to managing the condition and reducing the risk of transmitting the virus to others. If you suspect you may have herpes type 1 or type 2, consult with a healthcare provider for testing and appropriate care.

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Herpes Type 1 Test (HSV-1)

The HSV-1 test detects antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 1 which is responsible for oral herpes. The test helps confirm oral herpes diagnosis or past exposure. Results are typically available within a few days, showing past virus exposure if positive. Treatment may involve antiviral medication to manage symptoms and outbreaks. Consult a healthcare provider if oral herpes is suspected.

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Herpes Type 2 Test (HSV-2)

The herpes type 2 test, also known as HSV-2 test checks for antibodies to the herpes simplex virus type 2, which causes genital herpes commonly spread through sexual contact. It helps diagnose infections, even in individuals without symptoms but who are at risk. Results are typically available in a few days after a simple blood draw. The test may not distinguish between current and past infections, as the virus can remain dormant in the body. Consulting a healthcare provider is recommended for further evaluation and testing, with treatment options available to manage symptoms and reduce transmission risk to others.

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Herring Allergy Test

A Herring Allergy Test is used to detect if someone is allergic to herring fish by analyzing blood or skin samples for specific antibodies that indicate an allergic reaction. Results can help healthcare providers identify and manage herring allergies in patients.

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Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI) Allergy Test

A Hexamethylene Diisocyanate (HDI) Allergy Test is a medical evaluation to check for allergic reactions to HDI, a chemical found in coatings and adhesives. The test involves a skin patch and blood test to detect specific antibodies indicating an allergy. It is crucial for those exposed to HDI in industrial settings to prevent sensitization and severe allergic reactions.

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HIV 1 & 2 Antibody (4th Generation) Test

The HIV 1 & 2 Antibody (4th Generation) Test is a blood test that detects HIV antibodies, HIV-1 and HIV-2, along with the p24 antigen. This highly accurate test can detect HIV infection as early as 2-6 weeks post-exposure. It is known as the HIV combination or duo test and is preferred for its ability to detect infection earlier than previous tests. Regular testing is essential, particularly after risky behaviors. Early detection and treatment can help manage the virus and prevent progression to AIDS. Consult a healthcare provider for HIV testing using this specific test.

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HIV 4th Generation Duo Antigen/Antibody Test

The HIV 4th Generation Duo Antigen/Antibody Test is a highly accurate blood test that detects HIV antibodies and the p24 antigen, providing early detection of HIV infection. It is recommended for those recently exposed to HIV and is conducted in healthcare settings, with results available within days. Positive results require confirmatory testing and follow-up care from a healthcare provider.

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The HIV RNA test, also known as the HIV viral load test, measures the amount of HIV RNA in the blood to determine the level of HIV in the body and assess the effectiveness of treatment. It is often used in conjunction with other HIV tests to provide an overall view of the infection status. Results are reported as copies of HIV RNA per milliliter of blood, with a lower viral load indicating effective treatment and a higher load possibly requiring adjustments.

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HIV RNA Test for Early Detection

The HIV RNA test is an effective method for early detection of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) by detecting the virus's genetic material, offering quicker results compared to antibody tests. It is recommended for those at risk of HIV exposure through activities like unprotected sex or needle-sharing. The test involves a blood draw, with results available within days. A positive result indicates the virus is present, but a negative result doesn't rule out infection immediately. Early detection with the HIV RNA test allows for timely treatment and reduces transmission risk to others. It is essential to consult a healthcare provider for testing if there is a potential exposure to HIV.

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Home Paternity Test Kit

DNA paternity testing is a method used to determine if a man is the biological father of a child by comparing their DNA. The process involves collecting samples from the child and potential father, usually through a cheek swab or blood sample. The accuracy of DNA paternity testing is typically over 99%, making it reliable for legal or personal purposes. It is essential to use a reputable and accredited laboratory for accurate results.

DNA Paternity Testing


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Homocysteine Test

A homocysteine test measures levels of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood, which is produced during protein metabolism. High levels are linked to increased cardiovascular disease risk. The test is done after fasting and helps assess heart disease risk, especially in individuals with family history or risk factors. Normal levels are 5-15 umol/L, and higher levels may require further evaluation by a healthcare provider. Factors like medications and nutrient levels can influence results, so interpretation should consider overall health status.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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Honey Allergy Test

A honey allergy test is conducted to diagnose an allergy to honey, which can be done through a skin prick test, blood test, or oral food challenge. Symptoms of a honey allergy may include itching, swelling, hives, stomach cramps, or breathing difficulties.

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Honey Bee Allergy Test

A honey bee allergy test is conducted to identify allergic reactions to honey bee venom, involving either a skin prick or blood test. Based on the results, treatment options like allergen immunotherapy may be suggested for individuals with confirmed allergies.

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Horse Dander Allergy Test

A horse dander allergy test is used to check if a person is allergic to horses by exposing them to horse dander and observing their reaction. Symptoms of horse allergies include itching, sneezing, and breathing difficulties. Treatment and management options can be recommended based on the test results.

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HTLV-I/II Antibody, with Reflex to Confirmatory Assay

The HTLV-I/II antibody test detects antibodies to the human T-cell lymphotropic viruses, known to cause diseases like adult T-cell leukemia and HTLV-associated myelopathy. A positive result requires a confirmatory assay like PCR or Western blot analysis. Consult a healthcare provider for further testing and treatment planning.

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Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Test

The human growth hormone (HGH) test measures HGH levels in the blood. HGH, produced by the pituitary gland, is vital for growth, cell regeneration, and metabolism. The test is used to diagnose growth hormone-related conditions like deficiency in children or adults, acromegaly, and to monitor HGH therapy effectiveness. Fasting may be required before the test, and results are reported in ng/mL or mIU/L. Abnormal results could signal the need for further testing or treatment, so consulting a healthcare provider for interpretation and management is advised.

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