Allergy Testing

Anemia Testing

Arthritis and Inflammation Tests

Blood Type and Blood Disorders

Cancer and Tumor Marker Tests

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol

Cat and Dog Animal Allergy Panels

Diabetes Testing

DNA Paternity Testing

Drug Testing

Food Allergy Testing Panels

Gastrointestinal Health Tests

General Health and Wellness Tests

Heavy Metals and Toxins Tests

Hepatitis Testing

Hormone Testing

Immunity Detection and Titer Testing

Infectious Disease Testing

Kidney and Liver Tests

Sports Testing

STD Testing

Testosterone Testing

Thyroid Tests

Vitamin and Nutritional Testing

Tests In Alphabetical Order



A cholesterol test, also known as a lipid profile or lipoprotein analysis, is a simple blood test that measures the levels of different types of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. The test typically includes measurements of total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol.

Lipid / Cholesterol Panel

A lipid panel, also known as a cholesterol panel, is a blood test that measures different types of fats in your blood, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. This test assesses your risk for heart disease and identifies abnormal cholesterol levels that may require treatment. The panel includes measurements of total cholesterol, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, and triglycerides. Results are reported in mg/dL, and your healthcare provider will interpret them to determine if further action or treatment is needed based on your individual health profile.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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$29.00Visit Lab

Apolipoprotein B Test, (Apo-B)

The Apo-B test measures the level of apolipoprotein B in the blood, a protein found on LDL cholesterol particles. Elevated levels are linked to cardiovascular disease risk due to increased LDL particles that can lead to artery plaque. The test is used alongside lipid tests to assess heart disease risk and guide treatment decisions, especially for individuals with family history or risk factors.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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$59.00Visit Lab

Basic Health Panel (CMP+UA+LP)

A Basic Health Panel consists of three tests: CMP measures blood chemicals like glucose and electrolytes, UA examines urine for substances like protein and glucose for kidney and bladder health assessment, and LP measures cholesterol levels to assess heart disease risk. These tests collectively provide crucial information about overall health and can identify potential health issues that may require further evaluation or treatment.

General Health and Wellness Tests


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$59.00Visit Lab

Basic Health Panel (CMP+UA+LP)

A Basic Health Panel includes a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Urinalysis (UA), and Lipid Panel (LP). The CMP measures body chemical balance, detecting conditions like diabetes and kidney disease. The UA tests urine for kidney function and infections. The LP measures cholesterol levels, assessing heart disease risk. The panel provides crucial health information and is commonly used for routine screenings

Blood Type and Blood Disorders


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$59.00Visit Lab

Basic Heart Health Panel

A Basic Heart Health Panel Blood Test assesses key markers related to cardiovascular function, identifying risk factors for heart disease and evaluating cardiac health. Common components include tests for cholesterol levels (LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, and triglycerides), lipid profile, C-reactive protein (CRP) for inflammation, fasting blood glucose, and hemoglobin A1c for average blood sugar levels. This panel helps healthcare providers evaluate cardiovascular risk, create personalized treatment plans, and monitor heart health over time.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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$149.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Female Wellness Panel

A comprehensive female wellness panel consists of various tests and screenings to evaluate a woman's overall health. It includes blood tests, physical exams, and assessments covering aspects such as blood cell count, cholesterol, thyroid function, blood sugar, hormone levels, cervical cancer screening, breast exam, bone density, pelvic ultrasound, and vitamin D levels. The panel aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of health and detect potential health issues, requiring individualized discussions with healthcare providers to tailor specific tests based on personal health history and concerns.

General Health and Wellness Tests


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$939.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Health Panel (CBC+CMP+UA+LP+Iron+TSH)

A Comprehensive Health Panel includes tests such as CBC, CMP, UA, LP, Iron, and TSH to assess different aspects of health including blood cells, metabolic function, kidney and liver health, cholesterol levels, iron levels, and thyroid function. These tests help diagnose conditions like anemia, diabetes, kidney disease, high cholesterol, and thyroid disorders. A Comprehensive Health Panel is a valuable screening tool used during routine physical exams or when assessing symptoms of illness to provide a thorough evaluation of overall health.

General Health and Wellness Tests


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$99.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Health Panel (CBC+CMP+UA+LP+Iron+TSH)

A Comprehensive Health Panel, including a CBC, CMP, UA, LP, Iron, and TSH tests, offers detailed insight into your health status. The CBC assesses blood components, while the CMP focuses on metabolic and organ function. Urinalysis checks for various conditions, the Lipid Panel measures cholesterol levels, and the Iron Panel evaluates iron markers. TSH testing assesses thyroid function. This panel provides a comprehensive health assessment and aids in diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions, making it beneficial for routine check-ups or investigating specific symptoms.

Blood Type and Blood Disorders


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$99.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Heart Health Panel

The Comprehensive Heart Health Panel is a thorough set of tests evaluating key factors related to heart health and overall cardiovascular function. It assesses markers associated with heart disease risk, cardiac function, and overall cardiovascular wellness. Components may include cholesterol and lipid tests, cardiac enzymes, electrolyte levels, blood pressure monitoring, blood glucose testing, inflammatory markers, thyroid function tests, and coagulation studies. This comprehensive panel offers healthcare providers insights into an individual's heart health, aids in identifying risk factors, and supports the development of personalized treatment plans. It plays a crucial role in preventive medicine, early detection of heart conditions, and informed decisions about cardiovascular well-being following discussion of the results with healthcare providers.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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$269.00Visit Lab

Comprehensive Male Wellness Panel

A comprehensive male wellness panel involves a series of blood tests to evaluate a man's overall health. It includes tests for heart health, liver and kidney function, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, hormone levels, and more. Key components of the panel include lipid panel, CBC, blood glucose level, liver and kidney function tests, testosterone levels, PSA test for prostate health, thyroid function tests, vitamin D levels, and inflammatory markers. This panel provides important information about an individual's health status and can help detect potential health issues early.

General Health and Wellness Tests


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$939.00Visit Lab

Lipoprotein Analysis (NMR) Test

The Lipoprotein Analysis (NMR) test measures different lipoprotein particles in the blood, providing detailed information about size and density. It is used to assess cardiovascular risk more comprehensively than traditional cholesterol tests, helping healthcare providers understand cholesterol profiles and make informed treatment decisions. The test is often ordered for individuals with cardiovascular risk factors and can monitor the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering medications or lifestyle changes. Overall, the test provides a personalized assessment of cardiovascular risk to tailor treatment plans for patients.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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$119.00Visit Lab

Standard Health Panel (CBC+CMP+UA+LP+TSH)

A Standard Health Panel is a routine set of tests that includes a Complete Blood Count (CBC), Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Urinalysis (UA), Lipid Panel (LP), and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test. These tests help assess various aspects of your health including blood cell counts, kidney and liver function, cholesterol levels, and thyroid function. The panel provides a thorough evaluation of your health and can help detect a range of medical conditions early on, making it a valuable tool for routine health screenings.

General Health and Wellness Tests


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$79.00Visit Lab

Standard Heart Health Panel

A Standard Heart Health Panel is a series of tests designed to assess key factors related to cardiovascular health and heart function. The panel helps healthcare providers evaluate an individual's risk of heart disease, monitor cardiac health, and determine appropriate treatment plans. Common components include tests for cholesterol levels, lipid profile, cardiac enzymes like troponin, electrolytes, blood pressure, blood glucose, C-reactive protein (CRP), and thyroid function. These tests provide a comprehensive evaluation of cardiovascular health, aiding in risk identification, heart disease diagnosis, and personalized care. They are essential for preventive care, early heart disease detection, and overall cardiovascular well-being.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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$229.00Visit Lab

Statin Check-Up Panel

Regular monitoring of cholesterol levels, including LDL, HDL, and triglycerides, as well as liver function and creatine kinase tests, is essential for individuals on statin therapy to assess the risk of heart disease and potential side effects.

Cardiac Health and Cholesterol


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$249.00Visit Lab

Trans-hormone Wellness Panel

A trans-hormone wellness panel is used as a diagnostic tool to evaluate hormone levels in individuals undergoing hormone replacement therapy for gender transition. This panel includes tests for key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that affect gender characteristics. Results provide valuable information on therapy effectiveness, potential side effects, and adjustments needed for optimal hormone levels. Monitoring hormone levels can ensure correct dosages for transition goals while minimizing risks. The panel may also include tests for other health markers like cholesterol, liver function, and blood cell counts to monitor potential complications. It is an essential tool in the comprehensive care of transgender individuals during hormone therapy, supporting their physical and emotional well-being throughout the transition process.

Hormone Testing


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$149.00Visit Lab